Divorce & Family Law Blog

Cost of a Houston Divorce Lawyer

How Much Does A Houston Divorce Lawyer Cost?

Houston Divorce Lawyer Cost & Fees Associated With Divorce. Texas Divorce Cost Many couples who want to file for divorce are often worried about how much it will cost to do that.  The truth is … read more

Signs Your Ex Is Turning Your Child Against You (And What You Can Do About It)

How to Recognize When Your Ex is Manipulating Your Child and What You Can Do About It Co-parenting can be an emotional rollercoaster. But when you sense that your child is drifting away from you—and … read more

How Do You Divorce A Spouse Who Is In A Foreign Country?

International Child Custody, Property Division, and Legal Challenges in Texas Divorce Cases You’re in Texas, trying to move forward with your life, but your spouse is living in a different country. Maybe they’ve relocated for … read more

What Makes a Father Unfit for Custody in Texas?

What is considered an unfit home for a child? When it comes to determining whether a father is unfit for custody in Texas, the courts focus on one key question: Does the father’s behavior or … read more

What Is Malicious Mother Syndrome?

Fighting for Fatherhood: Overcoming Malicious Mother Syndrome in High-Conflict Divorces Divorce is never easy, but when it becomes a high-conflict situation, especially involving children, it can feel like you’re trapped in a nightmare. For many … read more

What Do Texas Judges Look For In Child Custody Cases?

A Father’s Guide to Child Custody Battles in Texas: Best Interest of the Child and Your Rights As a father going through a custody battle, it’s easy to feel like you’re up against the world. … read more

Uncontested Divorce in Houston, Texas

Texas Uncontested Divorces: What You Really Need to Know Ready to get a divorce without the courtroom drama? An uncontested divorce in Texas is your ticket to a faster, easier split. We’re talking minimal hassle, … read more
Signs of Parental Alienation

Top 10 Signs of Parental Alienation for Divorcing Fathers

As a father, you may already be going through the emotional difficulty of a divorce. Still, when your child suddenly starts acting distant, angry, or even outright rejecting you, the pain can feel unbearable. If … read more

Texas Contested Divorce Steps

Contested Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide from Longworth Law Firm When your marriage reaches a point where divorce feels like the only option, the process can seem overwhelming, especially if you and your spouse can’t agree … read more

Simple Divorce in Houston, Texas

Houston Simple Divorce Attorney Divorce doesn’t have to be a drawn-out, expensive battle. A simple or uncontested divorce could be the right solution for men in Houston looking for a faster and more affordable process. … read more

Mother Brainwashing Child Against Father

A Guide for Texas Dads Facing Parental Alienation If you’re a father going through a high-conflict divorce and feel like your child is being turned against you by their mother, you’re not alone. In some … read more

How To Prove Malicious Parent Syndrome in Texas

Daryl Longworth has spent years helping fathers navigate the toughest situations, including those where your ex is doing everything possible to turn your children against you. If you’ve noticed your relationship with your kids deteriorating … read more

How Does Divorce Mediation Work in Texas?

Understanding the Benefits, Costs, and Process of Divorce Mediation for Men in Texas If you’re considering divorce in Texas, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed by the potential stress, time, and cost involved. Divorce mediation offers a … read more

How a Mother Can Lose a Custody Battle in Texas

How Can a Mother Lose Custody in Texas? A Guide for Fathers If you’re a father worried about your child’s well-being and considering seeking custody, you’re likely feeling a mix of fear, frustration, and determination. … read more

Houston Drama-Free Divorce Lawyer

Navigating Divorce with a Houston Drama-Free Divorce Lawyer: A Comprehensive Guide by Longworth Law Firm Divorce is tough—there’s no sugar-coating that. But at Longworth Law Firm, we believe it doesn’t have to be a drawn-out, … read more

Houston Divorce Mediation Lawyer

A Compassionate Approach to Divorce Mediation with Longworth Law Firm Divorce is never easy, but it doesn’t have to be a painful, drawn-out battle. At Longworth Law Firm, led by Daryl Longworth, we believe in … read more

Definition of Texas Divorce on Grounds of Insupportability

What Is Insupportability in a Texas Divorce? In Texas, one of the most common ways to seek a divorce is on the grounds of “insupportability.” Under Texas Family Code § 6.001, insupportability allows a marriage … read more

Can Fathers Win Custody in Texas? A Guide for Dads Who Need Help

Father’s Rights in Texas: A Guide to Custody Filing, Legal Representation, and Winning Custody If you’re a dad wondering, “Can I win custody in Texas?” – the answer is yes, you absolutely can. But let’s … read more

Child Abandonment in Texas: What You Need to Know and How We Can Help

Child Abandonment Laws in Texas When a parent abandons their child, the emotional and legal consequences can be overwhelming. At Longworth Law Firm, we understand the fear and uncertainty you may be feeling. If you’re … read more

What is Parental Alienation?

Protecting Fathers’ Rights in Texas: Understanding and Combatting Parental Alienation in Child Custody Cases Parental alienation is an issue that can devastate families, particularly fathers who find themselves suddenly alienated from their children. If you’re … read more

Can A Mother Withhold A Child From the Father in Texas? What You Need to Know

Understanding Texas Child Custody Laws: What Fathers Need to Know About Withholding a Child As a father caught in the middle of a custody dispute in Texas, it’s completely understandable to feel confused, frustrated, and … read more